Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University and Co-founder and CEO of Phalcon, LLC, USA
Georgios N Stamatas
Georgios N Stamatas
United Kingdom
Dr Georgios Stamatas has more than 25 years of international experience in the Health Care industry. He is passionate about discovering actionable scientific insights, focusing on the understanding of skin physiology and the effects of topical skin care products. He is leading efforts in pioneering work that ranges from AI and computational biology to development on non-invasive clinical methods. This research has led to an important number of global “firsts”, including a paradigm shift in our knowledge of infant skin maturation and understanding the mechanisms of cutaneous adverse reactions during oncology therapy. Dr. Stamatas holds a PhD in Chemical/Biomedical Engineering and has co-authored more than 100 peer-review publications and 14 patents.
Nabil Adam
Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University and Co-founder and CEO of Phalcon, LLC
Dr. Nabil Adam, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University and Co-founder and CEO of Phalcon, LLC, a start-up focusing on AI applications in Medicine and Healthcare. He was a Distinguished Professor of Computer and Information Systems, Professor of Medicine, founding Director of the Rutgers Institute of Data Science, Learning, and Applications (I-DSLA), and Vice-chancellor for Research & Collaborations. He served in government as a Senior Program Manager and Branch Chief at the Science & Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security. His research has been supported by over $23 million in grants/contracts from several federal and state agencies as well as private organizations, including the National Institute of Health, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, the National Library of Medicine, NASA, IBM, and SAP. As per the 2020 Stanford University report, he was ranked among the top 2% of scholars worldwide regarding their impact in the field of AI and Image processing. He has been invited to join the Scientific Research Honor Society, Sigma Xi.